Additional Resources

Ledyard Social Services
Ledyard Social Services provides a variety of services for local residents. Whether you are experiencing a financial emergency, are looking for assistance with winter heating, are in need of food, or just need assistance completing state assistance applications, we can help.

Ledyard Food Pantry is available to any Ledyard or Gales Ferry resident who can demonstrate financial need as vetted by Ledyard Social Services.
Ledyard Food Pantry

Ledyard C.H.A.I.N
We are Ledyard Citizens Helping Animals In Need, or C.H.A.I.N.

Ledyard Clothing Exchange
The Ledyard Clothing Exchange is a ministry of Gallup Hill Baptist Church, which provides a connection for giving and receiving clothing donated by our community residents. The store, where families can come and browse through the gently used, spot free clothing, is located inside GHBC at 79 Gallup Hill Rd.